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28 Day Fast and Feast

28 Day Fast and Feast

 Journal Idea

Here’s an opportunity to practice daily, fasting from distractions in your life and feasting on color – for 28-days.  Feasting for 28 days will create a habit, much like the 30 day rule… you will find some kind of change in your life.  And, what better way to incorporate change than to do so with art!

Tools for this 28 Day Fast and Feast include:

* watercolor pencils

* Strathmore Visual Journal

Bristol  (100 lb) in size 3.5″ x 5″ with 28 sheets is best…

 (note: if you buy a larger size Visual Journal, the project will take you longer to complete each day).

* watercolor brush

* small container of water

This is an exercise in creativity taking about 10-15 minutes each day (for 28 days) and creating something colorful in your visual journal book.  Sketch or draw free style using the watercolor pencils creating either flowers, a landscape, still life, abstract patterns or geometric  shapes, then color in and use water to make the watercolor pencils come alive.

I started this project because I find it difficult to watch TV, so I keep one of these visual journals on my end table next to my favorite chair.  I also keep a pencil cup filled with my watercolor pencils and a small glass of water.  Then, when I spend a few minutes watching TV, I will create one of these “Feasts” ultimately “fasting” from too much TV. 

Whatever your distraction, try this exercise – for 28 days.  The photos you see only took me about 15 minutes to complete and reduced my TV viewing time significantly.  Distractions, such as TV (for me) is a huge time waster and creative energy zapper.

You can find water color pencils anywhere art supplies are sold.  Regular colored pencils will not work for this project only ones that are marked “water color pencils.” As for the Stratmore Visual Journals, I’ve found at A C Moore, Jerry’s Artarama and Dick Blick.  Check with your art supply store, they may be able to order or may have a surprise shipment to test its popularity.  Happy Feasting!
