November 3, 2020 – It’s Election Day 2020. The stakes are higher than ever. You’re stressed out more than ever too. I bet you just want to scream? I do! Remember one thing… “It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings.” I apologize to anyone who may be fat, or those of us that may be considered obese… it’s just a saying that is most important especially today. No matter what happens, I want you to know it’s important to focus on peace, love and happiness. Surround yourself with peace, surround yourself with love, and surround yourself with happiness – despite whatever is going on, and whom ever wins this election. Pay attention to truth, and truth only. If you are watching any of this on TV, please watch several stations to get a cross section of information. Watch stations like PBS, CNN, NBC and oh God forgive me for saying this, include Fox … why? Possibly to understand the opposing team. Make sure you listen to truth. Listen to your gut. Research, question, challenge. Know when something doesn’t add up. Know how to decifer lies as lies and truth as truth. Don’t be one that listens to hearsay, reads it on Facebook or follows conspiracy theories. It’s not truth! What matters here is that you can think clearly, act with purpose and stand your ground in understanding the meaning of liberty. I hope you voted … and voted like your life depends on it, because it does. Those of us who are 65 and older have children, grand children and some even great grand children. I hope you voted for a country that will give them the quality of life they deserve. So much is at stake – I know I already said that. I’m a news junkie and will watch the election results probably ’til the wee hours of the morning. When I get stressed during the results, I’ll mute the TV, or switch the channel for a couple of minutes. However, I will watch my future unfold and focus on peace, love and happiness in the process.
Love and Hugs to You Today and Everyday – regardless of who you voted for. And wishing you peace, love and happiness today and always.
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