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Archive for December 2020

Closing Out 2020

December 23, 2020 – As 2020 comes to a close, I hope you are giving thanks for a challenging year and all it taught us including safety, kindness and gratitude … just to name a few.  You may think otherwise given the state of politics, the economy and even the world but, I like to focus on the positive:

Safety: Wearing a mask is a new wardrobe accessory… hopefully you’ve invested in some that enhance your daily outfit.  Check out masks on Etsy.com.  My favorite Etsy Seller is Maria at NDKandBlueDesigns.  I have bought over a dozen masks from her … The quality and workmanship far surpasses other masks I bought on Etsy.  Check out her store: NDKandBlueDesigns.Etsy.com and tell her Rosemary Augustine sent you.

Kindness: It certainly has been a year to test our kindness meter with so much hate and anger buzzing around.  I like to look for the good and perform random acts of kindness – even a smile under your mask can be seen… by your eyes. Try it you’ll be surprised by the person’s reaction.

Gratitude: I’m extremely grateful for 2020 since I’ve continued to work throughout the entire year even though many are out of a job.  I thank God every night for all that I have received.

Journaling Exercise: I hope this holiday season reminds you of all the good that happened in 2020. That the holiday season reminds you of those we lost – even if you don’t know all their names, and reminds you of what you learned with such a challenging year.  Journal on your thoughts around this regardless of how positive or negative your thoughts.  Ask yourself: What is your take away, what did your learn, and what will you value most from 2020? Then release 2020 from your grip.

Wishing you Peace, Love and Joy as we enter 2021.

In Love and Light,

Rosemary Augustine

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