Archive for September 7, 2018
Cleaning Clutter
Sep 7, 2018: Recently I read a really good book that I’m sure I mentioned to you in a previous post. About cleaning out clutter (see I’m a Butterfly – March 29, 2018 post). I have a really bad habit of opening emails and then they sit in my inbox, never to be looked at again. Well, now that I have over 28,000 emails – unopened and some opened and nothing further to be done with them, I’ve been cleaning out the clutter. It’s a good use of my time especially when I feel I must watch TV. Although I hate to multi task, this is one that fills the bill. I’m already down to 16,000 emails – still unopened or opened ones that need to be trashed. If you have the same problem, join me in cleaning out your clutter this month. Keep in mind those 28,000 are only one email account, I have 3 other email accounts that have to be dealt with. Too bad September only has 30 days, I could use that extra day.
Other items for cleaning out your clutter are your closets and drawers. Anytime I buy something new, I almost have to remove something, clothes, dishes, etc. As we approach the last quarter of the year and life will go into high speed mode with the holidays, this is a good month to get the ball rolling and start purging.
Since we are overwhelmed with emails, junk mail, spam, dust bunnies and all the other crap that accumulates somewhere in the corners of our life, it’s important to address it, so you can live freely. For me it means I can take a walk on the beach and not worry about all the things left that I need to do. Although I have lots of energy, I’m sure somewhere along the line all this clutter zaps my energy… if not my energy, then it must block the flow of good things coming to me. I’m sure it’s blocking some energy somehow. Clearing out makes room for new things to come.
Talk about energy … Recently my home was struck by lightning, and that energy scared the begeebees out of me. The flash of light was so bright in my home, I thought I had been struck. I either stepped back or it pushed me back from where I was standing. Though I’m hoping that it was I who stepped back at the sudden flash of light in my face. Fortunately, only my internet and cable TV went out. Neighbors lost electricity for several days, but I didn’t. Not sure I understand why neighbors lost electricity and I didn’t when we share walls, but I’m not going to question the power of lightning and the energy it brings to the earth.
My kitties are still loving life at the Augustine palace. I catch them chasing dust bunnies once in a while when one hid in the corner when I was dust mopping. There really should be a way to attach a dust mop to their tail so they can assist in keeping the place clean. Oscar and Buttercup take turns sitting next to me when I’m at the computer, and both join me when I sit in the recliner to read or watch the news. So glad they picked me as their forever human.
Well, just wanted to give you an update as we approach the last quarter of 2018. Hard to believe the year whizzed by at a blink. Soon the snow will fly for some of you and for me in Florida the snow birds will start to arrive.
Happy September!
Love and Hugs,
Rosemary, Oscar and Buttercup
(that’s Oscar with me in the photo – at one of our team meetings. LOL)
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