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Archive for December 30, 2014

Good Bye 2014

As I review my personal and professional accomplishments for 2014, it is bittersweet to see 2014 end.  Glad on one hand, and sad on the other.  The year was filled with light, love and laughter, and oh yes, tears too.

Personally, it was a year of love, laughter and loss.  I enjoyed art shows at Collingswood Arts Festival, Downton Abbey Clothes at Winterthur, member art displays at Wayne Art Center and the fabulous art works at the National Gallery in Washington DC.  I reconnected with childhood and college friends, shopped, took walks on the beach, and had many lunches and dinners with even more people I call friends.  What about my long distance tribe?  Well, we spent many hours on the phone laughing and gabbing about life and the pursuit of happiness.

I experienced 2 major losses in my life this year.  One was my mom, who had reached age 100 and 3 months by the time she died.  She was very insistent about that 3 month addition.  We celebrated her 100th birthday in February with a big party, including TV coverage and fabulous food catered by Maggiano’s Italian Restaurant.  However once mom turned 100 it was a steady decline from there.  I feel she felt she reached her goal of 100 and there was nothing left. Her health was a major factor as well.  Family came together during her closing days.  My brother, sister and I shared daily life for 2+ weeks, including childhood memories and daily meals.  We also acquired an understanding of the dying process and an appreciation for living in the moment.

Four months later, my kitty Zack died unexpectedly at the tender age of 9 years.  He was my recluse kitty, one that you never saw too much, so his sudden changes in his behavior – being even more recluse and no eating – signaled something wrong.  But it was too late, his kidneys and heart were so advanced with failure, I quietly laid him to rest less than 48 hours of taking him to the vet.  Ziggy and I remain the only occupants of the large 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment that was once shared with mom and Zack.  Mom and Zack are together now in their new dimension.

Travels for the year included Washington, DC, Melbourne, FL and of course the South Jersey Shore.  These were long overdue vacations – put on hold while I balanced work, business and care giving the last few years.

However, I did have some accomplishments for my small business.  My Self Publishing for Writers Meet Up started having sold out attendance in 2014.  Each month there is a wait list for attendees.  And, great exchange of information among writers and authors.

My original website careeradvice.com was totally overhauled using Kami Designs on Fiverr.com. I am very pleased with the results and showcase my career books including 29 Things and I Love My Job.

I worked with many clients coaching them on business and career with ideas for marketing and creativity.  And, I sold my first piece of art work.  My annual participation in the holiday craft shows brought new customers, and I finally succumbed to paid online target marketing with Cat Fancy Magazine, Amazon and Facebook.

What does 2015 hold for me?  Change!  Lots of change!   For one, I turn 65!  Possibly I’ll publish more books, take my art to a new level and maybe even move.  Who knows, maybe all of the above.  Stay tuned as you follow my adventures of life in 2015.  Happy New Year and make 2015 the Best Year Yet!

Love and Hugs

Rosemary Augustine

