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Archive for July 14, 2014

Thoughts on Jealousy



Dog Days and Cat Daze are upon us.  Though, I always thought Dog Days were in August.  It’s already a daze with my cats with long days indoors because of heat and humidity, and bright sunlight shining in because we live on the west side of the building, as it’s too hot to enjoy the west-facing patio.  So they sit just inside the sliding glass door and sulk, dreaming of the chew of leaves and the possibility of catching a bird high in the feeder.  Storms come, winds blow, the sun is scorching.  Meanwhile they sit waiting patiently for cooler weather.

Interestingly, through all this I noticed that cats experience jealousy much like we humans.  They become jealous of your attention that you favor one over the other, or worse yet, come home smelling like a cheater.  I’ve been caring for a neighbor cat for the last month and my Ziggy and Zack are catching on to the jealousy factor.  Yes, I must admit, my two have suffered for attention, but they have me 22 hours a day, where the neighbor kitty only has me 2 hours.  As humans we can address, correct and resolve our jealousy.  But cats? Well, they’ll just bite your leg, scratch your eyes out or create a non-existent physical ailment that turns out to be behavioral.  Acting out? You bet!  We all do – humans and animals alike.  Well, I only write about cats when referring to animals.

In the meantime, during our July Cat Daze / Summer Haze enjoyment, I have a journaling exercise for you.  Since my cats reminded me of jealousy this morning, I thought I would ask you: who are you jealous of and what are you doing about it?  This is something to take to the journal and spend some time with it.  Spend 30+ minutes sitting in the cool shade and journal on your jealousy.

Jealousy really is not healthy and signifies deeper issues.  Hint: all the more reason to journal on your jealousy.  So do I hear you saying, “Ha! I’m not jealous!  Not Me!”  And so, there’s another reason to journal on this – denial!   Journaling about jealousy may uncover deeper issues around anger and resentment.  Boy, watching cats and their behavior tells me a lot about us humans.

Your Journal Prompts:

The key word here is “Jealousy” … Get your pen and paper out and answer the following:

*Who might you be jealous of?  I know, don’t end with a preposition!  Stick to the assignment… who might you be jealous of in light of career, success, love, beauty, style, money, home, car, accessories, etc.?  Think about it, now write.

*What happened in your life to cause such jealousy?

*When in your life did this happen and when does it keep coming back? Think of and write about trigger points.

*Where does it take your emotions?  Pay particular attention to your writing on this one.

*Why hasn’t it been resolved?  Why does it still bother you? Why do you continue to be jealous after all this time?

*How have you recognized how jealousy no longer serves you?  How can you resolve it?  How can you release it and let it go?  And, if you are unable to resolve it, why?  Go back to the “Why” question and flush it out, then return to the “How” prompt and complete again.

Just some writing fodder to use a journal you bought months ago and should use on a regular basis. Nobody needs to see your entries but you.

Remember, do this sitting in the shade since any anger it may create may get you so heated that sitting in the sun will only make the exercise more uncomfortable.

Happy Daze!

Warmest Regards,

Rosemary Augustine

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