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Archive for February 22, 2013


02-23-2013… We continue to have interesting combinations with numbers even with 13 as a number for the year.  But, what’s really in a number?  Time comes to my mind.    We all have the same amount of time – each day – 24 hours of time.  Some of us use it wisely and others… well?  You be the judge of your time.  The time we take to make a choice in how we use our time can be a split second or deliberated for hours, or even days. 

When I hear people say, “I just don’t have time to _______________,” (you fill in the blank).  What it really comes down to is your time is important.  How you spend your time is equally important.  And the choices you make in how you spend your time makes the decision when you say you don’t have time to do something that may or may not have meaning for you. 

So, take some time and think about how you spend your time.  Keep a log for a day or even a week, tracking how you spend your time.  You may be surprised at how you enjoy your time or how much time you waste.  Here are a few statements around “time” that you may want to journal on to find more time for the things that give you meaning in your life:

  • ·        What are your top 3 “values” in life?  Values like family, friendship, security, lifestyle, independence… etc.  These are just a few.  Choose your own, add to the list, but ponder in your morning pages what values are most important to you.  Consider these values when spending your time.

  • ·        What is least important to you?  When you start addressing your values, you may find a few things that really don’t matter or are least important.  How much time do you spend on these things?  You may also want to consider why you spend time thinking about things that really don’t matter or are not important to you.

  • ·        In your busy day… take a minute to notice your surroundings.  Now take a few more minutes to really observe your surroundings and notice three things you have never noticed before.  Write about what you are seeing for the first time.  What feelings does this evoke for you?

So … time! … some of us have more time than others – or at least it appears that way.  Since we all get the same amount of time everyday, how do you spend your time?  Something to journal about today, or the next time you spend time writing in your journal. 

Make it a Great Day regardless of how you spend your time!

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