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Archive for December 27, 2012

A New Year’s Resolution That Works!

A New Year’s Resolution That Works? That’s right! A New Year’s Resolution that really works! “How,” you ask? Because most New Year’s Resolutions are too general, often extremely vague and have no time frame to complete or achieve, that’s usually why most people drop off before January is even over. How many times have you heard someone say: “my New Year’s resolution is to lose weight!”  Pretty general and without a specific plan to do so, you are doomed before you start. To make changes in your life, often the picture is much bigger to anticipate and usually more than just yourself is involved. So, asking for help, along with getting focused and staying on track with a career coach ensures success of your desired goals.

Whether you are self employed or work for someone else, your work is your career! Since 1991, I have helped thousands as their career coach to find their passion, change their life so their work fits their values and brushed up quite a few resumes (I’ve lost count on the number of resumes). Your life is part of your career and coaching you along your journey goes hand and hand with your life and career. My coaching programs offer my personal coaching system along with using several books – my books as well as The Artist’s Way as additional assignments. Your vision statement and your vision journal play a role in coaching your life as well. And, if you are a business owner, your life and career are affected by your marketing efforts including your web presence, social media, bio/resume, networking, advertising and more. So you see, working with a career coach is not about changing jobs, it’s more about having a life – the life you really want! I help you get focused; stay on track and achieve your goals whatever they may be.

As your career coach, I’m your cheerleader and confidant, and in the end maybe a friend. I’ll provoke thought and support you during changes. I inspire you to reach for your dreams – and achieve them. You’ll work hard to achieve your goals, and when it’s time for us to part, you will say how hard you worked and that it was worth every minute.

As my client, there is a request for a commitment to work together with the amount of time we spend together relative to your desired results. If you truly desire something different in your life, and you’re willing to commit to what is necessary to achieve those goals, then it’s time to hire Rosemary Augustine as your Career Coach. I have worked with individuals from all walks of life and who live anywhere within the United States.

As my client, you will optimize life skills, maximize your potential, recognize false beliefs, identify obstacles, see patterns, break through fear and maybe even recognize a few trends. Most importantly, you will learn how to accessorize change and grow – personally, professionally and spiritually.

So as we ring in 2013, make your New Year’s Resolution a commitment to work with a Career Coach. Give yourself the gift to play more and work less; find your passion, live your dream, make a difference. It’s your career… change and shape your future, otherwise this is as good as it gets!

I offer several types of coaching programs designed to fit an individual’s specific needs and budget. Give me a call (or visit my website) and let’s talk about your particular situation regarding what you want to change and/or achieve in 2013… I would be thrilled to travel with you on your journey to accomplish it. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warmest Regards and Happy New Year!

Rosemary Augustine – Author and Career Coach
