Archive for October 31, 2012
After the Hurricane, Journal on These Words
It’s been a scattered day after all the destruction of Hurricane Sandy. Yes, damn it! I’m still going to call her a hurricane! All that energy stirring up for days. All that energy supposedly balancing the poles, but I’m not sure which pole they are referring to – north, south, or telephone pole. What must we all be thinking to manifest such destruction?
So now, after the hurricane, it’s time to do some writing… journal writing. Regardless of whether you write daily like me, or occasionally, journal on these words today. My suggested journal prompts:
Reflection – today I reflect on all the good in my life.
Gratitude – what are you grateful for in your life today?
Forgiveness – describe how forgiveness would benefit you right now.
Start today, and journal on these words. In your journal, use a page for each prompt, or write a paragraph for each prompt. Free write on these prompts for at least 5 minutes each. See where journaling on these words take you for the moment. Don’t alter your writing just let it flow – freely. After the hurricane, you may be surprised that life isn’t so bad after all.