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Archive for October 2012

After the Hurricane, Journal on These Words


It’s been a scattered day after all the destruction of Hurricane Sandy.  Yes, damn it! I’m still going to call her a hurricane!  All that energy stirring up for days.  All that energy supposedly balancing the poles, but I’m not sure which pole they are referring to – north, south, or telephone pole.  What must we all be thinking to manifest such destruction?   

So now, after the hurricane, it’s time to do some writing… journal writing.  Regardless of whether you write daily like me, or occasionally, journal on these words today.  My suggested journal prompts:

Reflection – today I reflect on all the good in my life.

Gratitude – what are you grateful for in your life today?

Forgiveness – describe how forgiveness would benefit you right now.

Start today, and journal on these words.  In your journal, use a page for each prompt, or write a paragraph for each prompt.  Free write on these prompts for at least 5 minutes each.  See where journaling on these words take you for the moment.  Don’t alter your writing just let it flow – freely.  After the hurricane, you may be surprised that life isn’t so bad after all.



Meanwhile… Life Happens


Meanwhile … Life Happens

What do you do when you are pulled in so many directions and your dreams get put on hold?  Well…. You  really shouldn’t put your dreams on hold – for any reason!  However, they may be delayed for a day or two.  Here are a few tips to recognize the crisis, the drama and the putting yourself aside for others.

1 – Take 5 minutes several times during the day for self check in.  Whether you do a mental, physical or emotional check in, check in often.  Make the necessary adjustments – each time.

2 – Journal each morning for 15-20 minutes to get your day organized, your thoughts straight and go deep into your subconscious to bring up the gems that need to surface.

3 – Take a Walk.  Whether it’s 10-20-or 40 or more minutes, take a walk – it helps relieve stress and surprisingly inspires creativity.

4 – Meditate.  Walking can be meditation and so can sitting quietly and deep breathing, or being aware of your breath.  Focus on something other than the crisis going on around you -i.e.: focus on your breath.

5 – Do Something for You!  If you are dealing with your own crisis or someone else’s, do something nice for yourself.  I was having a crisis filled day, and while I was waiting for prescriptions to be filled, I purchased colored gel pens to use in my journal, knowing the colored gel pens would go well beyond the crisis of the moment.

6 – Eat Well!  There is nothing worse than being in a crisis and eating poorly.  Stay away from sugar, starchy carbs, alcohol, drugs and caffeine.  Now is a good time to have a Salmon Caesar Salad and herbal iced tea.

7 – Take a Nap!  A 15 – 20 minute power nap can work wonders while you don’t get the full 8 hours during a crisis.

8. – Be in the moment!  As much as you may be in pain – physical or emotional, be one with it.  Being in the moment can teach many lessons and we have to listen and listening starts with being in the moment.

9 – Let Go!  Often our stress, pain and crisis is a product of us holding on – to the outcome … controlling the circumstances not listening to the Universe’s call to be in the moment.  Let go and let your higher power take you.  You may be surprised that remarkably much of the world and days events outside of your own self is out of your control.  You can, however, control your reaction.

10 – This too shall pass.  Whether you are facing family crisis or your own surgery, a big test, presentation or getting married, check your fears.  Talk to your God and know everything will be alright – as long as you believe it.  Our mind is a powerful tool.  If you let your fear and worry control your will, it goes without saying you draw attention to that which you pay attention to.  However you use your mind, It will yield results because of your focus.

Always remember to enjoy the journey. 

Warmest Regards,

Rosemary Augustine


What’s In the Number 10-11-12


What’s in the number? 10-11-12?  Add each number up and you get 1-2-3! 

Today is the day for launching new ideas, new directions, and maybe even a portal into which we can travel to the next dimension.  This is the year of numbers… we had:  2-12-12; 3-6-12 (3 times 2 = 6 and 6 times 2 = 12); 10-11-12; 12-12-12; 12-21-12 – the end of the Mayan Calendar.  Last year we had 1-11-11 and 11-11-11.  These dates are portals – I use the word “portal” out of context simply meaning a day of awareness of greater things in your life.  A portal to rise up to – open up / go deeper into – a higher level of consciousness; a chance to grow spiritually; an opportunity to emotionally connect mind body spirit as one.  There will be other dates but this is the year for numbers and definitely the year for the greatest change.  Your awareness will deepen as a result.
