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Archive for February 13, 2012

Valentine’s Day Greeting

A Different Kind of Love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a much dreaded time of year for singles.  Or, you can take a different approach and look at it as a special time to show love – in a very different way.

For the last 35+ years I have been single.  And for the first 10 years, I yearned for someone to show up and make Valentine’s Day special with love, flowers and chocolates.  Then one year, I had an idea.  I had just gotten a beautiful 8 month old kitty named Byron.  He was a beautiful long haired tuxedo cat and a personality to go with his looks.  He was very photogenic, so, I decided to take one of his pictures and mount it on a greeting card with a little “love” saying and sent it off to all my friends – who were also single and longing for the day to be filled with love, flowers and chocolates.   So the tradition began 25 years ago – making Valentine Cards for all the people in my life that gave me love over the year.

With a picture of your pet (or someone else’s) and a clever saying “I’ll always be true to you” goes a long way in extending love to someone.  When Byron passed in 2003, my other kitty Maxx stepped in for a few years, and now Ziggy and Zack extend the Augustine Love Tradition. 

One year, while stranded in a snowstorm, and waiting for the storm to lift, I designed my Valentine Cards using hearts in an art journal format – which I later pasted onto a blank card and sent off in time for the Love Day.  The greeting varied based on who I was sending it to. However, most of them had something written around the heart saying:  “Wishing you Valentine greetings with love, hugs and a bunch of kitty kisses, wet noses, fur balls and litter paws… Hearts and Hugs for you!  Happy Valentine’s Day!”

Now, some of my single friends have dogs, cats, birds and a few have no pets at all. Each has thoroughly enjoyed my Valentine Greetings and look forward to it each year. 

However, for a twist on this idea, you can send a valentine greeting to your friend’s dog (or cat) from your pet.  I’ve done this too and it gets a rousing applause every time.  However, if you are not so artistically inclined, there are many cute cards to purchase both in stores and online.

So, forget all the wasted energy yearning for a Valentine who isn’t in your life – yet!   Go buy yourself flowers and chocolates!  And, consider sending a card to your closest friends extending the greeting of love from your own unconditional love bug – your pet.  It’s guaranteed to enchant even the most committed single and in the process give a lot of love back to you.

Happy Valentine’s Day My Friends!

Love and Hugs Today and Always,


