Archive for January 30, 2012
What’s Your Excuse?
What’s Your Excuse?
As January 31st approaches within hours, are you sticking with your New Year’s Resolutions or did you already stop because of some excuse? What did you want to start in 2012? And why, after 30 days have you stopped?
Here’s a question that is often asked by coaches, counselors and facilitators working with individuals in various forms of healing: “What’s holding you back?” Time? Money? Family? Work? Unable to make a commitment? Not Interested? It just doesn’t work for me at this time…? Or, is there another excuse?
All of these are certainly excuses… even valid excuses nonetheless… or are they? So maybe the word excuse is not appropriate? Here is an interesting (and somewhat creative) take on having an excuse but dancing around it and calling it something else. Well, it’s still an excuse!
Reason – we always find a reason to say no.
Justification – usually we have to justify our excuse.
Explanation – we usually have an explanation convincing others of our excuse.
Pretext – just another word for excuse.
Defense – usually meaning resistance when it comes to an excuse.
Apology – we are always apologizing for our excuses.
Plea we may even plea with you to accept our excuse.
Oh, but the best excuse I get is… “I have too much on my plate.” Of which then, we then find a reason, justify it, explain it away, defending it while apologizing why we can’t, and offer a convincing plea for the future.
OK… so let’s take a look at what this really means? Oh, here I go analyzing again.
On December 31st, I offered a creative exercise on my Blog asking what would you like more of in 2012. My example that I chose for me was more SPACE. Room to grow, expand and spread my wings (so to speak). What was your response to that request? And, are you giving yourself more of what you asked for?
More time, money, space, love, joy, creativity, etc., are within your reach. All you have to do is reach out. The secret however, is to reach out for yourself. Give yourself a gift of love, joy, time, money, space… etc. , to unblock all that is holding you back. You may find something as simple as daily journaling helps you succeed as long as you keep at it on a regular basis. Some may need more discipline with help from a professional to keep them on the straight and narrow path to success.
Whatever your thoughts were when you read my December 31st Blog, carve time for yourself in your busy schedule to accomplish your desire. Remember, small blocks of time work just as well and even better than trying to carve out huge blocks of time that seem overwhelming to take out of your busy day. Give yourself the gift of time – 15 minutes a day to start – to sit quietly, ponder life, meditate, breathe, journal, write, sing, dance, play, paint, nap or whatever else comes to mind – just for you – for those 15 minutes. Ideally, you eventually want an hour – which is really only 4-15 minute segments each day. Work up to the 4… meanwhile, take 15 minutes tomorrow – to get lost in your thoughts over a cup of coffee in a quiet spot at work or home.
Now, if you really can’t take 15 minutes out of your day for yourself, then, you need to reconsider what you are really doing that has you so consumed. And, if that consumption is really helping you live your dreams.
Meanwhile, just a reminder that The Artist’s Way starts this week. Tuesday night, January 31st at 6:30 pm at Panera Bread in the Gateway Shopping Center. Thursday night at 7pm for my private CSL Group. Give yourself a gift of life – your life – a creative life that is filled with love and more for 2012 by participating in The Artist’s Way. The Artist’s Way will take more than 15 minutes a day. And, it is oh so worth it.
I’ve had a few requests for private groups – 4-5 people at a host home. So, if you are shy and want to do The Artist’s Way or another one of my creative workshops with your friends at your home, please give me a call. I would also consider the Teleclass for my out-of-town readers and would need at least 5-6 people for the Teleclass to be supportive to the other attendees on the call. Let me know if you might want to do a home group or over the phone for my long-distance readers.
Farewell to the warmest January I’ve experienced in many years in the Northeast!
In the Spirit of Love and Light,
Warmest Regards,
Rosemary Augustine – Author