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Archive for January 17, 2012

A New Year and A New Life!

As we begin the stretch to the second half of January, often we are caught up in the muck of post holiday blues including money, people and stuff!  Yet, I hear from many, “I don’t know what to write about every morning.”  Here are some wonderful things to consider as prompts for your journaling during the month of January:

What Were Some Lessons Learned in 2011 –

           What worked; and what didn’t work in 2011?

           What brought you joy?

          What mistakes come to mind that you don’t want to repeat?

Recognize That People That Matter –

          Who has enriched your life in 2011?

          How can you connect more often with the people that matter to you?

          Take a fantasy train trip – who would you include and who would you like to meet on that journey?

What About Some Books to Devour –

          Devote a special page(s), or its own journal, of books / titles / authors you want to read this year.  Head to the library or download an ebook and start reading!

Try Being Your Goals –

          Goals focus on achieving and acquiring… so, focus on the person you want to be and the having and doing will take care of itself.

Definitely Do More with Less –

          Sort out all the stuff… and focus on what really matters most – to you! 

Things to Discard or Abandon –

          Fill your life with things, activities and people who fit in with your 2012 version of you!  Surprisingly, de-cluttering enriches your life.

Explore and Adventures –

          What (places) do you wish to explore and experience this year?  Write about it – often…. Then make plans and act on those plans.

Every 90 Days –

          Divide your year into quarters and identify a few high priorities for each quarter.  Focus on the 90 Days in front of you.  Work toward completing those high priorities designated for the current 90 days… Remember to immerse yourself… don’t just dabble.  Let each 90 Day period have your complete focus. Review at the end of each 90 Days and move onto the next   90 Day period.

As always, I enjoy creating this information for you and me… since I journal on these things as well.  Enjoy January, it has lots to offer… more than just a bleak day with grey skies.  It’s a month of new beginnings!

In the Spirit of Love and Light,

Warmest Regards,

Rosemary Augustine
