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Archive for October 20, 2011

365 Days To Journal About Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Cabin in the Aspens - Colorado

 Autumn!  My favorite time of year… with the vibrant colors, crisp air, solid blue skies… I take myself away from here for a moment and visit the high country of Colorado with a light dusting on the mountain tops and that blue sky… deep cerulean blue.  The sound of the evergreens as they sway in the mountain breeze… and the sound of the aspens as they quiver their golden leaves. 

And then… there is the first snow on Maroon Bells just outside of Aspen… Autumn in the Rockies!



Fast Forward to the northeastern United States… with vibrant red, yellow orchre and burnt sienna shades… my artist is showing with my paint colors!  Autumn offers a palette of colors for any painting.  It shows colors for you to write about, think about, wear and ponder how to paint your walls.  Color is most important in our lives.  Without it, everything would be gray!  Now the color gray has its place deep in January against the dark bark of trees and bright white snow banks.  However, not in Autumn.  One of my favorite songs for this time of year is Autumn Leaves.  The link is a beautiful version of Autumn Leaves by Eric Clapton.


Cassatt Road in Berwyn, PA


So as we move through the month of October… here are a few journaling prompts to help you add more color to your life:

• Start with the primary colors: red, blue and yellow… take 5 minutes and write about each one and describe how the color makes you feel – both inwardly and outwardly… Is there a difference in your feeling? 

• You can do this same exercise with the secondary colors: purple, orange and green.

• What is your favorite color?  Write a short action-oriented piece using your favorite color as the first person.

• Find a wall mural and look for the prominent color used in the painting.  Journal a few minutes on that color and its meaning in the mural.  How would the mural change if a different color was used instead?

• Pick an autumn color: red, yellow, gold, rust or burnt orange… next time you are driving or walking through a parking lot… see how many cars you notice with any of these colors.

Keep journaling!  And Happy Writing…

Warmest Autumn Regards,


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