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Archive for July 19, 2011

Are You Having Fun?

As I sit here this morning and ponder life, I think about all the jobs I’ve ever had and which ones were fun. I mean really FUN! I can probably think of only one or two in my life time, since many of those jobs were just that – a job! And many of them had workloads for an army not just one person. Then there were jobs that you asked yourself “what am I doing?” more than once in a day. Those jobs I left pretty quickly.

However, today, I want to focus on FUN! No matter what job you are doing, ask yourself, “are you having fun in your job?” Usually, I’m asking about passion in the job and creativity in your life. But this time it’s the word Fun! Are you smiling? Are you laughing each day? Are you enjoying what you are doing? And, are you enjoying the people you are working with each day? Are you having FUN?

When I ran my business in Denver, now that was fun. Every day was an adventure. Juggling time, money and multiple projects on top of marketing, networking and writing. There was never had a dull moment. Maybe a few moments of panic a couple of times, but in 15 years mostly FUN! Fast forward 10 years to today. Am I having fun? If not, then I need to change something!

When I was growing up, I always remember my mom saying: “you just make up your mind you are going to have fun!” Even better, my own personal saying has always been… “life is what you make it, so make your choice.” I’ve written so much about this in my books, choosing positive over negative thinking, and choosing the things that take you along the path to higher consciousness.

You can, however, have fun whether working for yourself or working for someone else. It’s viewpoint, perspective and a great sense of humor. Sometimes the sense of humor can only take you so far, and it is in that moment that decisions are made and you find your fun somewhere else. If you are questioning yourself about the job, people, decisions, etc., listen to your gut, and you’ll find the answer more quickly then you think.

As we enjoy the heat of summer and realize life is passing by quickly, ask yourself – “are you really having fun in all that you are doing?” The job? Your relationships? Your personal life? As the oak trees are yielding lots of acorns for the squirells to stash, what things in your life do you need to address? What load needs to be lightened in order to create the FUN in your life?

Make it a FUN day and FUN Life!

In the Spirit of Love and Light…

Rosemary Augustine
