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Archive for February 2011

My Secret Garden

Today I want to paint, sing and run for joy because it’s a free day.  A free pass to explore the creativity that awaits me.  We need 365 days of free passes – since everyday should be a free day to write, spark, and create.  It’s part of life’s balance. 

Today I take my free pass to a pleasure garden filled with colorful flowers and green grass.  Blue sky, warm breezes, hills to run down, streams to dip my toes in.  A chance to sit and gaze into the beauty that surrounds me.  It is a warm yet comfortable day with a few bees pollinating the flowers and a big black and white cat snoozing on the sun lit wicker chair.  It feels like an August afternoon.  The colors all around me fill my palette.  As I sit and daze off into this beauty, I gaze deeply into my soul nourishing every inch, recognizing how every space is filled with the beauty that surrounds me.  I take this moment and breathe in all the beauty.  My breath is rhythmic.  I feel the sun’s rays on my face as I am still for what should be an eternity, but I’m sure is only for a few minutes.  My mind is quiet, no thoughts are racing through my mind. 

There is a stillness, an inner joy that I have created by just being here.  It is the closest thing to peace – inner peace that anyone could imagine.  It is my oasis in the desert, my inner spring, my secret garden created today with my imagination.  I can go there any time to sit and be still, to be with myself, to recharge after the storm.  I can only go by myself since this is all in my imagination.  A quiet place that welcomes me each time with open arms filled with love. 

Find your oasis in the storm of life.  Find where you can go to be still, quiet, safe with your thoughts.  A place where you can nourish your soul.  It may only be for a few minutes, but the treasures you receive last as long as your next visit.  Enjoy!

Warmest Regards,

Rosemary Augustine

PS… Yes, It’s been a while since my last post.  However, don’t let that discourage you.  Just like everyone else, life happens.  What’s most important is when we get distracted, we come back to what makes us whole, nourished and one with the Gods!  This piece was written a few weeks ago when the ground had 8 inches of new snow and it was 10 degrees at 7 am.  Just a few weeks later it was 70 degrees and felt like a warm day in May.  It’s only February!  By the time this was posted… it was back to more snow and 20 degrees.  Ah!  Winter!  Soon everything around us will be blooming.  Soon!  The picture insert is Chanticleer – my secret garden that is real – right here in Wayne, PA.
