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Archive for January 25, 2011

When You’re Feeling Blah!

Today, I came home feeling the January Blues… bitter cold, snow on the ground for weeks and feeling pulled in lots of directions.  So it goes – Blah! Blah! Blah!  As I put the key in my door, I said to myself, “I need to journal on all that I am grateful for  – right now!”

I am grateful for coming home to see my kitties, since regardless of whether they are happy to see me, I am very happy to see them.  Do I think they are lucky to have me in their life?  Hell No!  I’m the lucky one.  Let’s see, the gratitude list was endless, yet I’ll only write a few here.  I’m grateful to dance to my favorite song.  I am very grateful for all my friends and their loving support. Despite the bitter temperatures, I’m grateful that I’m warm right now because others may not be.  And, I’m grateful for my good health, since so many people around me are sick.

As I wrote, I saw my words take shape: Gratitude is an attitude adjustment – just look at the spelling:   GR Attitude… looks like Great Attitude to me!  So when we have those moments, and oh yes, we all get them… have an attitude adjustment.  Count your blessings and recognize ALL that you are Grateful for today and everyday!   Those January Blues quickly faded into a GREAT Attitude!

In the Spirit of Love and Light,


Rosemary Augustine
