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Archive for October 11, 2010

Discovering Yourself!


It’s October 11th and the Columbus Day Holiday (and Thanksgiving in Canada).  As we think back about the journey Columbus took to discover a new world, I can’t help but think about your journey to discovering yourself.  Journaling provides so many benefits and the journey to self discovery is one of them.  As we celebrate Columbus Day, what are you celebrating along your journey?  Make today (and everyday) a celebration of life, light and love.  As part of the celebration we acknowledge 0thers along our path, since they add to the journey.   Recognize and value the journey and give thanks no matter where you are on your journey.  Journal on these words: acknowledgement; recognition; gratitude; value, and see where your journey takes you.  If you would like more on how to discover yourself, my eCourse: Discover Your Creative Self takes you on a journey exploring your everyday life with enhanced use of your senses.  To learn more visit: Discover Your Creative Self.

I’m enjoying the beautiful fall weather in the northeast – trees turning color, warm days and cool nights (no frost yet!).  and…. That beautiful light on a sunny afternoon – you know the kind… the beautiful sunlight around 4pm on days like this.  It’s part of the reason why I paint, because the time of day makes the colors of all you see so very very vibrant.  Soon that will change as we head closer to winter solstice.  Meanwhile, enjoy the pumpkins, autumn leaves and great walks along a country road.

In the Spirit of Love and Light…

Rosemary Augustine
