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Archive for October 2010

Driving In the Fast Lane While Looking for a Rest Stop!

We are less than 60 days from the Christmas holidays… 58 days to be exact.  And the buzz is already starting.  With Halloween lurking in the shadow of sunset, (and as soon as all the candy is collected), moms across the country will be looking for ways to recycle the bags of treats.  What to do with all that sugar?  Meanwhile, it’s time to put up the Christmas lights (even though you may not turn them on until December) and certainly time to create a menu for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, and all the other holidays before and after – Chanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Kwanza, Boxing Day… oh my, how many more days can we celebrate – with food and family?  Should I scream now? Or wait until January 2?  Each year I wonder if I’m even going to make it to January 2nd.

While shopping last weekend at the local grocery store I noticed the amount of people and more importantly the amount of food in their shopping basket.  Hmmmmm! are they preparing for the holidays already?  I asked a lady in front of me while waiting in line and she said, “oh yes!  We have 2 freezers and we’re already baking and cooking to make our lives easier.”  I thought she was cooking for an army and asked how big her family is and she said, oh there is only 6 of us and a few drop ins so maybe when it’s all done… we might have 20-25 people.”  A few drop ins?  Holy turkey stuffing!  maybe 20 drop ins?  So I went home to make a list of the dinners I was preparing, their menus and the food I needed to add to my shopping list for next week.  Oh my, I suddenly thought, who am I cooking for?  It’s just me! And the cats – and they are happy with turkey and giblets out of a can (and really don’t know the difference that it’s a holiday or any other day).  Then I thought, gee, I already made reservations at the restaurant for Thanksgiving – for 2 and Christmas… well, only the cats will know if I’m really home.

What about house cleaning – the key question here is do you clean before or after the parties?  I know some people who thoroughly clean before and then complain about the mess they have to clean up after.  Will guests really notice?  What they will notice is the obvious –  dust on the shelves and mold in the bathtub.  No your guest are not coming to take a shower, but I can tell you many people have told me when they go to someone’s house and they use the bathroom, they look in the shower to see how clean it is.  Maybe you can trick your guests into thinking you are the perfect housekeeper by only letting them use the bathroom with a shower or tub that no one uses.  The best would be letting them use the bathroom with no shower or tub at all. 

And, Oh wait!  Then there are holiday cards or how I like to call them Christmas Cards.  Are you sending cards this year?  Is there a family photo or standard bought card at your favorite dollar store?  Gee, that’s another list to compile, write, stamp, lick and head to the post office for drop off.  Unless you give them to your husband to drop at work in the outgoing mail – only to find them in his briefcase on December 29th.  Guess I should be considering my Christmas card list, but I’m busy with this blog and making items to sell on Etsy!

Are we driving in the fast lane yet?  Let’s talk about delegation.  It is important this time of year to be more a project manager and delegate as much as you can, oversee what’s being done (letting go of perfection), and make the cookies or candy that bring you joy and delegate the rest.  Kids and spouses, plus friends or neighbors with a side business, ask for help, keep asking and delegate various assignments including the Christmas Card list.  You may have a neighbor or unemployed friend that has decided to make a few bucks and offer this service.  Use them!  I guarantee you are now entering the on ramp to a speed trap of year-end holiday madness.  Ever wonder why they call it “madness?”  Ever notice how that madness all disappears completely by a certain date?  Usually somewhere between December 26th – December 29th.   By then what didn’t get done, really doesn’t matter. 

Another thing to think about for the holidays is simplification.  We try to simplify other times of the year, why can’t we simplify now?  So many people want everything to be so perfect – perfect meal, perfect gift, perfect life… Give up perfect!  Perfect and Simple are not compatible partners.  Choose one and decide how your holidays will be enjoyable and memorable.  Remember, what you didn’t get right or perfect this year, you’ll have a chance to try it again in another 365 Days!  Meanwhile, try to simplify.  What does simplify mean to me?  It means: The Christmas lights have been up since the summer; Reservations for Thanksgiving Dinner; A simple meal for Christmas with a best friend; Christmas Cards?  Well, I always say I’m not sending, but I do – and I include my annual update.  I’m sure I’ll make a few pumpkin pies too.  Meanwhile, I’m going to include Rest Stops along the highway since, the speed at which we are all going this time of the year requires a lot more rest than normal.  Enjoy the journey since it’s never about the destination.

In the Spirit of Love and Light…

And Happy Pumpkin Day!  

Rosemary Augustine


Your Visualizing Tool


Some people say journaling is hard.  I have to say that the writing comes easy, it’s making the journal book itself that is certainly a challenge.  I’ve been involved in making journals since last April, when I attended the Artiscape in Columbus OH and came home with a leather bound journal and lots of fresh ideas on making all kinds of journals.  I’ve made about 15 and gave many away… They are beautiful and there are only so many that can be gifts since not all my friends journal!  Oh my!!!!  

 I guess it was a few years ago that I bought a book on how to make journals and various decorative covers and gifts.  It was really hard then, since I had no clue what I was doing…. Now… well, I’m no expert, but I understand some of the book binding terms and know the difference between a leaf, a signature and an end page and the purpose of waxed linen thread. 

I’ve developed an opportunity to mix two loves here!  Since I love journals and journal writing – I guess you could call me a Journal Aficionado.  And I also love beads!  I buy journals and I make them, I decorate them with fabric and beads and create art inside them as well as write secrets, ideas and plans.  Sometimes I have several different journals going at once.  As long as I date the page so I know when I wrote it, I guess it really doesn’t matter which journal book it’s written in. I have journals that date back decades.  Yes I keep them and often go back and read, to see that I’ve grown (or still stuck) – it depends on the topic.

 Last night I was up until 1:30 am finishing up 2 beautiful journals (shown above) that will be available for sale soon.  I was so caught up in my creativity, I had no idea what time it was, I just knew the cats were making a fuss, because it was way past their bedtime.   🙂  With my current day job, I get up around 7am, and this morning I was a little groggy.  However, I was energized because of my completed artistic projects the night before since that I had envisioned the finished piece when they were just a raw piece of cardboard and material.

 Which brings me to the topic of this blog… Visualization.  Journaling is a written form of visualization.  But visualization is an important part of creating your future, the things you want and where you want to go.  Even Steven Covey says “begin with an end in mind.”  Looking at a piece of cardboard and visualizing it as a journal – decorated with fabric, ribbon and beads says something about my visualization process.  Now let’s see if I can put those visualization techniques to work in other aspects of my life….   Hmmmmmmm !  Journal on your visualization process.  If you’re not familiar with visualizing, Shakti Gwan has several books on the subject athat are excellent.  Visit her at: http://www.shaktigawain.com/

Meanwhile, stay tuned for more creative thoughts… since I’m headed to a few art galleries tonight and goodness knows what creative sparks that will inspire.

In the Spirit of Love and Light…

Rosemary Augustine


Discovering Yourself!


It’s October 11th and the Columbus Day Holiday (and Thanksgiving in Canada).  As we think back about the journey Columbus took to discover a new world, I can’t help but think about your journey to discovering yourself.  Journaling provides so many benefits and the journey to self discovery is one of them.  As we celebrate Columbus Day, what are you celebrating along your journey?  Make today (and everyday) a celebration of life, light and love.  As part of the celebration we acknowledge 0thers along our path, since they add to the journey.   Recognize and value the journey and give thanks no matter where you are on your journey.  Journal on these words: acknowledgement; recognition; gratitude; value, and see where your journey takes you.  If you would like more on how to discover yourself, my eCourse: Discover Your Creative Self takes you on a journey exploring your everyday life with enhanced use of your senses.  To learn more visit: Discover Your Creative Self.

I’m enjoying the beautiful fall weather in the northeast – trees turning color, warm days and cool nights (no frost yet!).  and…. That beautiful light on a sunny afternoon – you know the kind… the beautiful sunlight around 4pm on days like this.  It’s part of the reason why I paint, because the time of day makes the colors of all you see so very very vibrant.  Soon that will change as we head closer to winter solstice.  Meanwhile, enjoy the pumpkins, autumn leaves and great walks along a country road.

In the Spirit of Love and Light…

Rosemary Augustine


As I Reflect in Autumn Breezes…


Oh, my favorite time of year – autumn!  With the trees turning bright reds and burnt oranges, it paves the way for an artists’ pallet of color, eager to paint all that you see.   Growing up in the northeast, the fall colors were and still are, spectacular.  The more north you go the more vibrant the colors appear… or maybe it is the way the sun reflects onto the leaves at a certain time of day.  My years living in Colorado had some pretty spectacular autumns too, although not much red or orange but more yellow or golden.  The golden aspen trees would glitter in the breeze… I can even hear the sound of the aspens in the breeze even now – today – even though I am thousands of miles away. 

My favorite time of year with the chill in the air, the sunlight, the afternoon breeze of leaves sweeping across the road, their edges curled, some brown and others still vibrant with color.  As we face our last 90 days of 2010, what reflections come to mind?  What projects – started months ago – do you want to finish before the holiday rush is upon us?  What changes do you want to consider implementing for 2011?  Between now and the middle of November is an excellent time to consider these questions and address whatever you want to address and complete.  Since we all know, when the middle of November hits… no matter how “little” you do for the holidays, you will still feel overwhelmed. 

Journal on your reflections for 2010 – things accomplished, missed, not completed or just plain forgotten.  Vow to pick 1 or 3 things to add to the “completed in 2010” list if you care.  Spend time with your journal on these autumn afternoons while the breezes can still warm you.   And plan your remaining 90 days of 2010 – if you dare!

In the Spirit of Love and Light…

Rosemary Augustine
