Archive for September 28, 2010
Ah… Making A Decision …Today?
As we close out the last few days of September, I’m frustrated by the rain and my journal projects. Sometimes, you just have to sit and hold the journal even if you don’t write in it… Or…. If creating the actual journal book, hold it before it is fully constructed. Last night I was holding several journals that I’m constructing and are almost finished. I held them close to my heart. I was also looking at fabric for the cover of a new journal. Measuring the size of the cardboard cover and how the fabric would match at the seams. I couldn’t bring myself to make the decision to cut the fabric—well, not just yet.
Which brings me to the real reason for this post. Decisions! When faced with decisions – whether big or small, sometimes it is important to make a decision “to NOT make a decision at that moment,” and that is sufficient at the time. Making decisions is not something that is hard for me. I know I lean more on the side of “a quick decision maker” than languish forever exploring options. During my career coaching days, I enjoyed the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment Tool and the “J”s and “P”s of the world. I’m definitely a “J” and I’m also one who listens closely to my gut. However, listening to my gut is for another post.
Something that I have found very valuable in the past when faced with decisions are using lists – listing all the “pros” and “con’s “ of whatever problem you are trying to solve with a decision. It works every time – seeing it in black and white. I enjoy going back in my journal over the years and seeing such lists and how well things worked out when I made those decisions either quickly or via the pros/cons list.
Meanwhile, what decisions are you faced with? A question that gives you something to journal about these next few days as we close out the 3rd Quarter of 2010.
Oh, and tonight, I will cut the material for the new journal!
In the Spirit of Love and Light…
Rosemary Augustine
P.S…. If you’re not into lists… maybe consider exploring all the fun aspects of your potential decisions in question and make sure you explore ALL your options!