A New Year and A New Life!
As we begin the stretch to the second half of January, often we are caught up in the muck of post holiday blues including money, people and stuff! Yet, I hear from many, “I don’t know what to write about every morning.” Here are some wonderful things to consider as prompts for your journaling during the month of January:
What Were Some Lessons Learned in 2011 –
What worked; and what didn’t work in 2011?
What brought you joy?
What mistakes come to mind that you don’t want to repeat?
Recognize That People That Matter –
Who has enriched your life in 2011?
How can you connect more often with the people that matter to you?
Take a fantasy train trip – who would you include and who would you like to meet on that journey?
What About Some Books to Devour –
Devote a special page(s), or its own journal, of books / titles / authors you want to read this year. Head to the library or download an ebook and start reading!
Try Being Your Goals –
Goals focus on achieving and acquiring… so, focus on the person you want to be and the having and doing will take care of itself.
Definitely Do More with Less –
Sort out all the stuff… and focus on what really matters most – to you!
Things to Discard or Abandon –
Fill your life with things, activities and people who fit in with your 2012 version of you! Surprisingly, de-cluttering enriches your life.
Explore and Adventures –
What (places) do you wish to explore and experience this year? Write about it – often…. Then make plans and act on those plans.
Every 90 Days –
Divide your year into quarters and identify a few high priorities for each quarter. Focus on the 90 Days in front of you. Work toward completing those high priorities designated for the current 90 days… Remember to immerse yourself… don’t just dabble. Let each 90 Day period have your complete focus. Review at the end of each 90 Days and move onto the next 90 Day period.
As always, I enjoy creating this information for you and me… since I journal on these things as well. Enjoy January, it has lots to offer… more than just a bleak day with grey skies. It’s a month of new beginnings!
In the Spirit of Love and Light,
Warmest Regards,
Rosemary Augustine
Year End Journal Exercise
2011 is quickly coming to a close. Take a few minutes – if you haven’t already – to journal on these 5 things before year end:
*Review the year by listing all your accomplishments for 2011 – even the small ones.
*Identify unhealthy thoughts / relationships / habits and release and leave them behind with 2011.
*Give Thanks for 2011 and all that happened … or didn’t happen.
*Make a list for 2012 of the things you would like to do or get done in 2012 (and not all in the first month). Be specific.
*And, wrap up with just one word. This is an exercise I use in my Journaling Circles: “If there is one thing you would like to have more of (in 2012) – in just one word – what would it be? Write that word in your journal in large letters on the page (fill the page with the one word). Now, write along each line of the letters what you would do if you received your wish. When done, color the word and page. Here’s a sample done in my last Journaling Circles:

This small list is great for you personally, your career, your home, family, you and your spouse. It’s a short list to discuss /write about / journal on / ponder / wonder / and agree that it’s valuable to do before midnight on December 31st.
Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! I look forward to 2012 and more writings for you!!!!
Warmest Regards and Loving Light,
Rosemary Augustine
A New Year Solution
Wow! 2011 is just about over. And, as we approach 2012, I can’t help but wonder… are you ready? “Ready for what,” you ask? Ready for incorporating MORE into your life.
Strip away the unwanted craziness .. the must have toys… the ‘deep in the muck’ stress… ongoing (family or life) drama… to a new world. Make 2012 your year to sing, dance, write or paint – literally and/or figuratively .
If you want MORE creativity… MORE ideas … MORE direction… MORE clarity… MORE focus… MORE than just the day–to-day crazy corporate bull crap…you want MORE of something that you feel isn’t within your reach? If your future is about incorporating MORE of doing what you love because it’s time to do so, then jump off that corporate ship – that will never make it to the dock – and recognize it’s time to create your own world of work. There is so much crazy talk about the world coming to an end? Wouldn’t you be sorry that you didn’t live the life you wanted – really wanted – when you realize you are at the end of your road?
Changes are happening in the world of work, changes that affect the way we work, the way we look for work and the way we view work. Once you realize that full time jobs are becoming a lost commodity – also realize that people ARE still working – just differently. What do you need to do to be part of this new world of work? The answer is a BIGGER Question! And, that BIGGER Question is: Where do you want to be in 2012? What do you keep putting off until times are better?
What would you like MORE of? … Something to journal on these last days of 2011.
Meanwhile, my thoughts are on knowing that I’m doing what I came here to do – by helping you figure out how to do what you came here to do. Your New Year’s Resolutions can easily consist of A New Year Solution! Will your journal pages will be filled with solutions rather than resolutions? … It’s up to you. Now or sometime before your world comes to an end. If you need help in defining this MORE, just let me know. As the solution is simple!
Wishing you the best this Holiday Season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and All Those Other December Holidays…
Warmest Regards,
Rosemary Augustine – Artist & Author
What’s In A Number?
Today is 11-11-11, it is interesting to see when you write it. So I did a little internet research and found the following… Thank You Laura!
11-11-11 What Does it Mean? By Laura Ginn
From www.ReadingsbyLaura.net/blog.html posted 8/31/11
There is a lot of talk these days on the end of days. I remember when I was just a child back in the 60’s there was a lot of talk predicting a time of apocalypse. At that young age, I thought I might make it to middle age, but probably the world would end way before 2000. It was just recently that a leader of a religious sect predicted a date that change would occur. But alas, the date came and went and many of the followers of this leader were greatly disappointed. For many of us, new dates have appeared, but instead of gloom and doom, an expectation of excitement and vibrations of harmony. One such date is 11-11-11.
So what does it mean? 11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and the interpretation. So in other words, your interpretation is the one that matters! So if you are not sure what it means to you, here are just a few ideas, and how it can affect the inner you.
Gateway or Portal: 11:11 is the doorway between worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds.
Awareness: 11:11 A raising or lifting of awareness.
Angels and Spirit Guides: 11:11 A time of connection to your personal angels and guides.
Balance: 11:11 A time for your life to gain balance or become more balanced.
Binary DNA Code: 11:11 A time of release of dormant DNA. Our brains are like a computer which relies on binary codes of 1’s and 0’s
Digital Time Code: 11:11 This time code unlocks your DNA and opens the mind to seeing these numbers and re-remembering the importance of 11-11.
DNA Activation: 11:11 The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, and this represents DNA activation or upgrade.
Oneness: 11:11 The sequential sequence of this stands for Oneness with God, Oneness of man, Oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, oneness in all things.
Global Consciousness: 11:11 A connection with all the universe and again a oneness of all matter on this earth and beyond.
For myself , the day will be a time to reflect and increase my vibration by practicing unconditional love, meditation, and gratitude. But until the date comes, I welcome my angels and spirit guides to assist me with balance, DNA activation, global consciousness and much more. Let each one of us take the magic of 11:11 in this moment and one person at a time heal the planet.
Numbers encourage observation skills, something we often overlook. However, with enhanced observation skills, we become more aware of our surroundings at any given moment – heighten awareness as I like to call it. How important are observation skills? Ever notice what a co-worker wore yesterday? The color of a car that pulled up next to you at a traffic light? Or the color tie of a TV announcer? Observation skills go beyond seeing what is right in front of you. It is really seeing – more. If you sit and stare at a lamp shade (you may not see anything but the lamp shade – initially, but in time, you will notice the folds of the shade, specks of dust or the way the light extends from the lit lamp. Observation skills add a varied dimension to life beyond our daily routine and opens up a whole new avenue to explore.
Tomorrow, when you are searching for your car in the parking lot, notice the other cars and the color of the cars. Are there any cars that are red or yellow? Any colors that stand out from the other cars parked row by row? If you look, really look at something, you will see more than what meets the eye. It takes practice, but with practice, guaranteed you will see a red car and say “wow, there goes a red car.”
As silly as this sounds, start looking and see more… you just might find more than you expected – in numbers and in life. May the spirit of love and light fill you on 11-11-11
Warmest Regards,
Rosemary Augustine
~ ~ ~
59 Days til Christmas
The days are counting down to that time of year
Thoughts of buying gifts for those that are dear
You’re spinning your wheels and dizzy in your head
So you retreat and have a cup of coffee instead.
Where to buy? What to buy? Oh me! Oh my!
Then you consider Etsy and have a big sigh!
Etsy has handcrafted gifts by artists and craftsman
Living here and from Maine to Alaska
Neatly displayed and some with bows
Even yours truly has a shop called RAStudios.
Make your list and check it twice
Then put out the cat and check for mice
Give me call or send me a note
And I will fill your order as long as it’s not for a boat.
My shop has jewelry, note cards, even bookmarks too
For gifts and stocking stuffers, a surprise for who?
For grandmom, mother, sister or brother
Friends, neighbors and so many others
RAStudios is your place to shop this holiday season
And a chance to give for no special reason
Surprise your friends, your family, yourself
And let me be your Christmas elf!
Rosemary Augustine – 610.647.8863
Art ~ Beads ~ Journals
Note Cards, Bookmarks, Hand-crafted Journals and One-of-a-Kind Jewelry Items
Custom orders ~ Special Requests ~ Free Shipping through December 15th
~ ~ ~
Creativity and Tenure Lives On With This Entrepreneur!
By Rosemary Augustine
An interesting thing happened Saturday night. I attended a Service Award ceremony with a family friend who had been with her company 30 years! The evening was filled with exceptional food and drinks at a local and very posh country club. The award ceremony was for employees reaching 5-year marks of service: 5 years; 10 years; 15 years; 20 years; 25 years; 30 years; 35 years; 40 years; 45 years and one person at 50 years of service. These were line personnel in scientific glassware manufacturing in Southern New Jersey. I was happy for my friend who not only received a gift of her choice (a healthy dollar amount to use from an upper-end catalog), but a nice certificate of appreciation, a hand shake, her picture taken and this fabulous dinner with 250-300 other co-workers, managers and guests.
I asked my friend about her company, since with so much doom and gloom about companies going under, closing and laying off employees, this company is thriving. The company is Gerresheimer (www.Gerresheimer.com) and is a thriving international manufacturing company with plants in Millville and Vineland, NJ, and 42 other locations around the world. “The benefits are great!” she said, “With Health Insurance and a 401K with a matching employer contribution, vacation, employee training, and team support.” “And,” I chimed in, “dedicated employees who have lots of tenure.”
So, as I sat digesting my delicious dinner and watching the awards ceremony, I became sad thinking how I never worked for any company longer than 3-5 years (and with many more jobs in the 2-3 year mark). I was saddened by the loss of perceived income and missed the camaraderie, the lunch room breaks and the posting of your vacation week so there was no overlap with another co-worker out at the same time. I soon became distracted from my thoughts, because it was time for my friend to receive her award, and I was suddenly busy taking pictures.
However, on my 60-mile drive home, I had an epiphany… “You’re an entrepreneur, Rosemary! You’ve owned your own company since 1991 – sometimes full time and other times running it part time. But you have health insurance, a 401K equivalent; generous time off; and lots of perks – including financial. Along with lots of exciting marketing projects, product launches, business brainstorming with colleagues, and a virtual water cooler whenever I wanted.” I continued to blurt out driving along a country road to get to the bridge crossing the Delaware River… “You left a job that although I had an office, you had no windows. Now, you work from a home office with the computer facing a wall of windows overlooking a grassy knoll with evergreen trees, walking paths and benches (of which I have painted and photographed the view many times)”…. “So,” I continued, “go home young lady, and print yourself a Certificate of Appreciation for 20 years of service! Who says you haven’t worked for a company for 20 years? If you’ve own a small business for the last 20 years, it’s still a company… and 20 years!”
With a sigh of relief, I recognized a difference. That difference is… I love what I do, I’ll never be laid off; and if something isn’t working, I decide to change it and maybe even change it the next day!” So…. To ALL the entrepreneurs out there… whether you are a newbie or a 20-year vet like me who has realized the importance of being your own boss… WE MATTER! We provide a service, or offer products… and some of us offer both. WE make the decisions. We MAKE a difference because we ARE entrepreneurs, and WE decide when we want a raise or additional benefits. I knew this long ago and forgot it when I went back into the workforce and ran my business part time. If you are truly an entrepreneur, how quickly you are down trodden, stifled and zapped of all creativity working for someone else.
So here is my certificate for 20 years of Outstanding Service as the President and CEO of my own company. The certificate says “We couldn’t do it without you.” Damn right! Here’s to 20 more years of service and the best is yet to come!
PS… If you are wondering who is Zachary Austin, Chief Operating Officer, he’s one of my feline partners who right now is sleeping on the wicker chair planning our next product launch! My other feline partner, Ziggy Stardust happens to be keeping my feet warm under my desk.
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365 Days To Journal About Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves

Cabin in the Aspens - Colorado
Autumn! My favorite time of year… with the vibrant colors, crisp air, solid blue skies… I take myself away from here for a moment and visit the high country of Colorado with a light dusting on the mountain tops and that blue sky… deep cerulean blue. The sound of the evergreens as they sway in the mountain breeze… and the sound of the aspens as they quiver their golden leaves.
And then… there is the first snow on Maroon Bells just outside of Aspen… Autumn in the Rockies!
Fast Forward to the northeastern United States… with vibrant red, yellow orchre and burnt sienna shades… my artist is showing with my paint colors! Autumn offers a palette of colors for any painting. It shows colors for you to write about, think about, wear and ponder how to paint your walls. Color is most important in our lives. Without it, everything would be gray! Now the color gray has its place deep in January against the dark bark of trees and bright white snow banks. However, not in Autumn. One of my favorite songs for this time of year is Autumn Leaves. The link is a beautiful version of Autumn Leaves by Eric Clapton.
So as we move through the month of October… here are a few journaling prompts to help you add more color to your life:
• Start with the primary colors: red, blue and yellow… take 5 minutes and write about each one and describe how the color makes you feel – both inwardly and outwardly… Is there a difference in your feeling?
• You can do this same exercise with the secondary colors: purple, orange and green.
• What is your favorite color? Write a short action-oriented piece using your favorite color as the first person.
• Find a wall mural and look for the prominent color used in the painting. Journal a few minutes on that color and its meaning in the mural. How would the mural change if a different color was used instead?
• Pick an autumn color: red, yellow, gold, rust or burnt orange… next time you are driving or walking through a parking lot… see how many cars you notice with any of these colors.
Keep journaling! And Happy Writing…
Warmest Autumn Regards,
~ ~ ~
A Hurricane Journal… Waiting for Irene
On Thursday August 25, 2011, I learned that Hurricane Irene was headed to the New Jersey shore, Philadelphia and its western suburbs. I was in Vineland, NJ that day helping mom with some doctor appointments, shopping and other errands. While at the bank, I learned they issued a mandatory evacuation of Cape May, NJ – the southernmost tip of NJ – starting today. I thought it odd, since it was 3 pm on Thursday afternoon and the hurricane wasn’t due to hit the NJ coastline until 3 am Sunday Morning.
So I proceeded with my errands and headed to the super market for mom’s weekly shopping list. She had quite a list, since she was stocking up for the upcoming holiday weekend as well. Shop Rite on Landis Avenue in Vineland was packed… and no gallon jugs of water were left. It was 3:30 pm on Thursday afternoon…. Obviously, the hurricane panic has already started. I got mom set up with a case of water (her favorite is the Poland Spring 16 oz bottles – not necessarily eco-friendly, but hey, Mom is 97), food, prescriptions and fresh batteries for her flashlight. She was set to ride the storm as long as she stayed inside… and of course, she will.
As I left Vineland that evening, the traffic was unbelievable. Long lines of cars along Rt. 55 North. Stopping for a tank of gas and extra cash was another long wait at the WaWa in Glassboro. It’s only Thursday, people have 2 more days to get things in order. And the lines at the toll booth at the Commodore Barry Bridge into PA was like a mass exodus. Another 12 hours and the tolls would be free…. but not on the bridges going into PA. Only the Garden State Parkway and Atlantic City Expressway would have free tolls.
Friday morning was like any other Friday. I spent the day working in King of Prussia and stopped at Trader Joe’s on my way in (thinking that it would be a mad house at 5pm). I breezed in for cat food and sunflowers to brighten up my apartment during a hurricane. By 4pm I was headed home to clear off my patio and start doing some laundry to pass the time. As I passed by the Trader Joe’s parking lot on my way home, there wasn’t a parking space to be had. More panic spreading to the masses.
Saturday at 8 am I took a walk around my complex. It was a beautiful morning, although grey gloomy clouds lurked, it was a nice cool and muggy morning for a walk. I did a few more loads of laundry and kept the air condition on to keep the humidity out and the inside cool. By 9:30 it started to get breezy with the breeze turning to a 10 mph wind. Nothing to write home about.
It started to rain in Berwyn about 12 noon (it had started in Cape May at 6 am). And by 12:30 pm there was already a tornado warning in Lewes, DE. I took a nap in the afternoon, and even read a little bit. I could feel the anxiety building. Between 5pm and 9pm I spent my time on the phone, texting and watching the storm coverage on TV. I even made a delicious eggplant parmesean meal in preparation for no power on Sunday. Watching the storm coverage really got me wound up and excited – nervous excited, so periodically I had to turn it off. The anticipation created even more intense feelings and I found it was a cycle that just kept spinning – just like the hurricane that was headed my way. Part of my nervousness was the 20’ wall of windows in my apartment, leading out to my patio and overlooking 3 trees and a greenbelt. I had all kinds of images going through my head throughout the day.
Around 9:15 pm I headed to my neighbor’s apartment. His dog has been declining and my neighbor was working volunteer rescue for the Tredyffrin Township Police. He asked if I would check on his dog, Shadow. Shadow was so happy to see me, and we sat on the couch and watched more storm coverage. By now the rain was relentless and the wind was quite fierce. At 10 pm the newscaster announced a tornado touched down in Lewes, DE. Fifteen minutes later, he announced the tornado warnings for the entire viewing area – “take cover now” were his words, as he announced Brywn Mawr, Radnor, King of Prussia, Berwyn and Paoli. Holy Moley… Berwyn? I headed to the bathroom for cover. My neighbor had already filled the bathtub with water, so I was concerned that Shadow would come in with me and want to jump in the tub (which she has done in the past)…. But she remained sleepily on the couch waiting for me to return.
By 11:30 I was so on edge, I had to leave and go back to my apartment to be with my kitties. I showered – just in case there was no power or water in the morning (do you think we were a little over-prepared?) and I cuddled up with Ziggy and Zack in bed to finish watching storm coverage (there is nothing else on!) til I fell asleep. Rather than bite my nails, I whipped up avocado and homemade chips for a late night snack (thinking the crunch of the chips would help with the stress). I am so nervous, since by now the winds were howling and the rain was just coming down in sheets. This was by far the scariest storm I have ever been in.
At 1:00 am the storm intensity of the wind and rain is beyond anything I have ever experienced. And, the storm hasn’t even hit the south Jersey shoreline (Cape May or other beach towns in southern NJ) – it’s still coming! Exhausted, I turn off the light and quickly drop into a deep sleep. Both kitties sleeping on me like sandbags.
Morning came quietly. At 6 am I awakened with an utter calm about me felt deep into my bones. Although it was still raining lightly, it was quiet. And, although I am tired from lack of proper sleep, the tense feelings are gone. I learned landfall was around 2:30 am in Little Egg Inlet, just off Brigantine Island (north of Atlantic City). I went back to sleep and later, for the rest of the day, was catching up with family and friends, and their grateful comments of survival. It was the worst storm I ever experienced, on par with Hurricane Hazel in 1953 which I remember (I was 3 years old) huddled in the kitchen by candlelight, the rain and wind whipping trees and power lines. Well Irene spared my electricity, but my nerves were surely rattled.
So this morning, as I journaled, I pondered gratitude and all the things I am grateful for after Hurricane Irene:
My life – always grateful to be alive;
Ability to take a deep breath to calm me;
Sunshine, green grass and blue sky the day after a hurricane;
Ziggy and Zack – their love, companionship and understanding of our life together;
My friends and family who shared my life during the storm, who calmed and comforted me as well;
Electricity, clean water and a gas stove for cooking;
NO damage!
I also, realized the storm coverage caused much of my nervousness, anxiety, and stress. Yet when I turned it off, and went about my day, within an hour I was back getting an update. It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop… that took days to hit the floor.
Regardless of whether you were touched by Hurricane Irene, what are you grateful for today… and really, everyday? Something to ponder about as you journal next time.
In the Spirit of Love and Light…
Rosemary Augustine
Are You Having Fun?
As I sit here this morning and ponder life, I think about all the jobs I’ve ever had and which ones were fun. I mean really FUN! I can probably think of only one or two in my life time, since many of those jobs were just that – a job! And many of them had workloads for an army not just one person. Then there were jobs that you asked yourself “what am I doing?” more than once in a day. Those jobs I left pretty quickly.
However, today, I want to focus on FUN! No matter what job you are doing, ask yourself, “are you having fun in your job?” Usually, I’m asking about passion in the job and creativity in your life. But this time it’s the word Fun! Are you smiling? Are you laughing each day? Are you enjoying what you are doing? And, are you enjoying the people you are working with each day? Are you having FUN?
When I ran my business in Denver, now that was fun. Every day was an adventure. Juggling time, money and multiple projects on top of marketing, networking and writing. There was never had a dull moment. Maybe a few moments of panic a couple of times, but in 15 years mostly FUN! Fast forward 10 years to today. Am I having fun? If not, then I need to change something!
When I was growing up, I always remember my mom saying: “you just make up your mind you are going to have fun!” Even better, my own personal saying has always been… “life is what you make it, so make your choice.” I’ve written so much about this in my books, choosing positive over negative thinking, and choosing the things that take you along the path to higher consciousness.
You can, however, have fun whether working for yourself or working for someone else. It’s viewpoint, perspective and a great sense of humor. Sometimes the sense of humor can only take you so far, and it is in that moment that decisions are made and you find your fun somewhere else. If you are questioning yourself about the job, people, decisions, etc., listen to your gut, and you’ll find the answer more quickly then you think.
As we enjoy the heat of summer and realize life is passing by quickly, ask yourself – “are you really having fun in all that you are doing?” The job? Your relationships? Your personal life? As the oak trees are yielding lots of acorns for the squirells to stash, what things in your life do you need to address? What load needs to be lightened in order to create the FUN in your life?
Make it a FUN day and FUN Life!
In the Spirit of Love and Light…
Rosemary Augustine
26 More Weeks!
Had a gentle reminder today that it is the last day of June; the end of the 2nd quarter; and week 26 of this year. So the question is not “Where has the year gone?” The question is “How are you doing on your goals for 2011?”
Every year on December 30th or there about, the discussion of New Year’s resolutions comes up. Some call it resolutions, others call it goal setting. Regardless, with each new year, you want something different, some kind of change. Yet, by January 30th… the days passed, we got bored, overwhelmed or just forgot. Some of you however, didn’t! … because it was important for you to travel your journey and make sure your goals were reached… once and for all. So, on June 30th… don’t ask the question, where did the year go so far? Reach for your journal and cross off what’s been accomplished to date and realize you have 26 more weeks to get the rest of it done before 2011 is over.
I wouldn’t say I’m on target, but I have quite a few things already crossed off my list for 2011. The summer is a chance to get a few projects underway. It always seems to be more time in the summer for special projects … just too many projects. Keep the goals in check, keep the projects relevant to the goals and little by little, the list will whittle down and in 26 weeks, you’ll be working on a new list for 2012.
Just a reminder, that tomorrow starts my blitz for “Writing In The Sand”… my summer creative writing eCourse that is loads of fun. “Writing In The Sand” is a virtual 3-day course with locations of Marina del Rey, CA; Cape May, NJ and Grand Lake, CO – writing on topics that each location offers as inspiration. It’s creative, inspiring and a chance to work at your own pace either all at once or in 3 weekly intervals. Lots of great prompts and story ideas for finding your writing muse. Hope you can join me… cost is $29 for the email eCourse. Email me if you would like to participate in this eCourse: info@rosemaryaugustine.com and I will direct you to a payment link on PayPal… or you can go to the link on my website www.rosemaryaugustine.com and order from there.
Hope you are enjoying the summer…. So far I am and it’s only just beginning.
In the Spirit of Love and Light,
Warmest Regards,
Rosemary Augustine