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A Survivor’s Guide

New Book Released October 2017

Hurricane Book Final Cover 10-29-17

Size: 6 x 9 inches | Cost: $12.95 | ISBN: 978-1-943581-08-5

Available on Amazon

About the Book:

What constitutes a storm emergency? It can be anything that threatens your life, your property, your state of mind, and even your soul. How you prepare for a storm emergency no matter what storm comes your way determines how you survive.

The author was four years old when she  experienced her first hurricane. Throughout the years she has endured earthquakes, tornadoes, winter storms with power outages for days, not to mention many nor’easters, tropical storms, and, of course, numerous hurricanes.

This book is written to provide the reader with a list of items to prepare in case of weather-related emergencies, potential evacuation for hurricanes, or storm-related disasters. Preparing for any emergency, many are everyday items that should be staples already found in your home. The author says, “I have been through many storms some with power outages for days. I’ve lived in states where nor’easters were common and tropical storms were frequent. I have prepared with water and food for at least a week to 10 days, and have never been without electricity for more than five days. However, those days without electricity were even more challenging to me than during Hurricane Irma.” The author continues, “I learned my lesson years ago to be prepared – always be prepared. And, it never hurts to be over-prepared, since in the end, if you don’t prepare for any storm emergency, you’ll panic, make bad choices, and possibly lose your life.”

Winter storms with potential for power outages occur December to April. Nor’easters can impact the northeastern United States just about any time of year. Tropical Storms are a grade or two below a hurricane. And Hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th each year.

Some years hurricane activity is quiet. On August 25, 2017, the United States was hit first with Hurricane Harvey that decimated Houston, Texas and the southern Texas coast. Then, 16 days later came Hurricane Irma that ripped through the state of Florida from the Florida Keys to Jacksonville, and from the Gulf Coast to the Atlantic Coast. No where in Florida was spared. Eleven days later Hurricane Maria destroyed the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico.

Although Rosemary knows there will be many more storms, she wanted to share her personal survival guide that she uses before and after a storm that keeps her safe and prepared for any storm emergency. Currently a resident of Florida, she and her two kitties survived Hurricane Irma in 2017.
